The 7 Days Course Of The Brahma Kumaris

The 7 Days Course Of The Brahma Kumaris 

We are all spiritual students who study spiritual wisdom from God and also practice meditation everyday, which is a spiritual link or union with God. Our lives have become beautiful and blissful with these two aspects of spiritual life. God gifts us with these two attainments at the present moment of time, when He is performing His task of world transformation and is making the world a beautiful paradise or heaven with His wisdom, purity and powers. With these two attainments in our present lives, we become pure and perfect in sanskars and make our consciousness divine. God shows us this path of transformation. But how do we learn to take the path? Where is the start? At the Brahma Kumaris, we start our spiritual journey with an introductory 7 days spiritual course, which explains to us different aspects of spiritual wisdom and the technique of meditation.

As we begin the course, we learn that we are actually a spiritual energy or soul and not this physical body, which is made up of physical matter. Like a driver drives a car, I the soul, drive and control this body and perform different actions through my body and different parts of my body like my brain and sense organs like my eyes, ears, tongue, nose, hands and legs. I, the non-physical conscient energy or soul, am made up of the mind which thinks and feels; intellect which judges, imbibes knowledge and visualizes and sanskars or inner personality. My form is a being of divine light, not visible to the physical eyes and my original qualities are peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and wisdom, which I have lost in the birth and rebirth cycle, as I have taken many different births in different physical bodies. We also learn that our original and eternal spiritual home is the soul world or incorporeal world or the world of silence, also called paramdham or nirvandham or shantidham in Hindi, from where we come down in the physical world on Earth to play our roles. Also, we understand our different roles or births in four different yugas or Ages in the World Drama which takes place on Earth, and a maximum number of births any human soul takes in this World Drama is 84. Lastly, we also learn from God that we are born only as humans and not in any different species of animals, birds or insects. This is because we carry sanskars of playing our roles in human bodies only. And also, how we were deities or devi devtas in our earliest births and not apes or monkeys as commonly believed. We came in the birth and rebirth cycle and later started worshipping the same deities or devi devtas, when we had lost our initial soul-consciousness, spiritual purity and divine qualities. 

The method to finish a weakness is to be detached from it.

When there is some weakness working within that has to be overcome, it is very essential for one to get detached from it, that means not to identify with the weakness. If there is an identification with the weakness, it is further strengthened and there is the inability to get rid of it. Since it is there in the consciousness, it is visible in the words and actions too. 

Read slowly and Experience Yourself :

" When I am free from the identification with the weakness, I am able to bring about a change very quickly. I find it very easy to stabilise myself in the awareness of my strength and allow that strength to be revealed in all my words and actions. There is no heaviness of the weakness nor is there the feeling of having to give up something, but transformation takes place very easily".

The 7 Days Course Of The Brahma Kumaris

The 7 days introductory course of the Brahma Kumaris also guides us how we can understand and connect to God, after knowing that just like us, God’s spiritual form is a Supreme being of divine light, not visible to the physical eyes. He is the Supreme Soul and spiritual Father as well as the Supreme Father of all human souls. He is also the Father of all divine souls like Shri Radhe Krishna, Shri Lakshmi Narayan, Shri Ram Sita, who were deities and also of famous divine religion founders and saints like Abraham, Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, Mahavira, Shankaracharya, Guru Nanak and many others. He is called by different names like Heavenly Godfather, Bhagwan, Eeshwar, Shiva, Allah, Khuda and Jehovah in different parts and different religions of the world. He is the only soul who never takes birth in any human body and is eternally bodiless, soul conscious and pure. All other souls in the world, even divine souls and deities, have a physical form and take birth in human bodies.

In the course, we also learn that God is an Ocean of 7 qualities - peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and wisdom. He is eternally constant in these qualities and never loses them by taking different physical births. Also, we understand where is God’s spiritual home, and learn how to visualize and remember Him in His home, which is the soul world or incorporeal world, the same spiritual home as that of human souls, who are God’s spiritual children. And lastly and very importantly, we come to know what is God’s most important task or action in the World Drama and how He transforms the Iron Age or Kaliyug to the Golden Age or Satyug. Also, how He transforms humans, who are full of vices like lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego, jealousy and hatred into deities or devi devtas, who are full of divine qualities and beautiful specialties and their lives are full of purity, peace, love and joy. 

Greatness lies in revealing one's own speciality.

Greatness means recognising one's own speciality and being a donor with it. It also means being royal and great in what is given to the mind - that means giving the mind only the positive. When there is greatness in this way there is speciality and uniqueness seen in every act of mine. 

Read slowly and Experience Yourself : 

"When I am able to perceive my inner greatness, I am able to be content because there are no expectations, but there's only a feeling of being a giver. I find myself to be light and easy and enjoying each moment of my life, slowly moving towards perfection. I am also able to attain the blessings and good wishes from others".

The 7 Days Course Of The Brahma Kumaris

After sharing the wisdom of the soul and God, the 7 days introductory course of the Brahma Kumaris teaches us what is the World Drama and how it is made up of 4 yugas or Ages – the Golden Age or Satyug, the Silver Age or Tretayug, the Copper Age or Dwaparyug and the Iron Age or Kaliyug and we all have different births in it. God reveals that the duration of the World Drama is 5000 years and the duration of each of the 4 yugas or Ages is 1250 years. This World Drama of 5000 years repeats itself again and again, eternally in this physical world on planet Earth. Throughout the 5000 years, human souls come down from the soul world to the physical world at different times, depending on their purity, to play their different roles or births in the physical world. The purer souls come down on Earth earlier. At the end of the 5000 years World Drama each time, God purifies all the souls and they return back to the soul world after purification, and then come down again at their fixed time in the physical world, after a period of rest and silence in the soul world, when the World Drama repeats itself.

The first 2 yugas or Ages of the World Drama, which is the first 2500 years, are full of positivity and purity and there is no sorrow and peacelessness in this time. There is complete good health and long life with no untimely death, very pure and divine physical beauty, abundant wealth, beautiful and blissful relationships and souls are full of all divine qualities and Godly goodness. Children are born through a spiritual union and pure thought power between opposite genders and not through a physical union between opposite genders, which exists today. This kind of spiritual and pure method of giving birth to children is mentioned in our religious books and ancient scriptures, which were written in the Copper Age, after the first 2500 years. These first 2500 years are called Heaven or swarg and those who live in Heaven are called deities or devi devtas, who are worshipped very much in the world even today. 

To receive respect from others comes more with responsibility than as a right.

The one who gets respect is the one who becomes worthy of it rather than the one who just expects it. True respect comes from how well a task is done rather than what is done. The more one's speciality is expressed, the more one becomes worthy of respect. 

Read slowly and Experience Yourself : 

 " When I go on giving my best in whatever is expected of me, I will start receiving respect from those around me. I will then never expect from others but will naturally be able to give respect to all. This further makes me earn their love and regard" .

The next 2 yugas or Ages of the World Drama, which is the next 2500 years of the World Drama are when, the consciousness of deities or divine human beings, who existed in Heaven, shifted from soul-consciousness to body-consciousness and they started being called humans and not deities or devi devtas. They also started worshipping the one non-physical or incorporeal God, idols of pure deity souls who had existed in Heaven and other divine souls and saints who started coming down on Earth in the Copper Age or Dwaparyug and the Iron Age or Kaliyug to give their divine message to the world and the path of bhakti or devotion begins. This world is called Hell or narak and in this world there is impurity, sorrow and peacelessness and all attainments of Heaven slowly reduce and reach their lowest at the end of the 5000 years, or the end of the Iron Age, which is the present time. In Heaven, there is only one kingdom, one religion and one language and there is complete unity amongst deities. In Hell, there are many different governments, religions and languages and there is a lack of unity and togetherness amongst people.

God is the only one who knows this World Drama clearly and everything else that we learn and hear about the World Drama and its duration and its different yugas or Ages is according to human perception and based on human beings’ personal connection and experience with God and their personal interpretation. This is the reason why all divine souls and pure religious and spiritual souls, who came down from the soul world in the Copper Age and the Iron Age did not give the same wisdom. In fact, all divine souls and spiritual scriptures written in the Copper Age and Iron Age talk about the wisdom of the soul, God and the World Drama differently. God gives His wisdom, which is the truth and the essence of all the teachings that were shared in the Copper Age and Iron Age, at the present moment of time, when we are at the end of the Iron Age. At this present time, peacelessness, sorrow, vices and sins have reached their maximum and the world is extremely overpopulated and is finding it difficult to survive, because of a lack of abundant resources like food, water, clean air and different physical energies, which are required for living for everyone. Also, the world is facing risks because of global warming and climate change and there are also risks of other natural calamities and wars.

God's love brings out the perfection from within.

Expression: The power of God's love brings about change internally. Through His love everything old and unwanted finishes. There is the natural tendency to bring about such perfection that the one who loves Him and gets His love becomes like a mirror - a mirror in which perfection of others too is visible. 

Read slowly and Experience Yourself :  

" There is such inner strength that I get because of God's love that even if somebody does something to hurt me, I don't allow myself to get hurt. Even if people are saying negative things, they don't influence or touch me in a negative way. I am so full with God's love that it naturally flows out to those around me" .

The 7 Days Course Of The Brahma Kumaris

The 7 days course of the Brahma Kumaris is a course that is conducted at all the Brahma Kumaris centres in different cities, towns and villages in India and in centres all over the world in over 120 countries. It is mostly conducted either individually or in small groups at the centres. Its duration is one hour everyday for 7 days and the day and time of doing the course can be fixed by talking to the centre incharge of the centre you visit or call. At some places, it is also conducted in large groups, like in the headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris, which is in the Aravalli Hills in Mt. Abu, Rajasthan, India and in our retreat centres in a few cities in India and abroad in 2-4 days, when our spiritual sisters and brothers visit our campuses over there and stay over there for the entire duration of time of 2-4 days. When they undergo the course in Mt. Abu or in our retreat centres, there is more than one course session everyday at times. At the other centres in different places in the world, it is normally one session everyday for 7 days.

The 7 sessions that the 7 day course of the Brahma Kumaris normally consists of are – 

1. Understanding The Soul Or The Spiritual Self

2. Understanding God Or The Supreme Soul 

3. What Is God’s Task In This World Drama And How He Is Changing The World At The Present Time And Creating A New World? 

4. What Is The World Drama Or World Cycle Of 5000 Years And How It Repeats? 

5. The World Drama Explained Through A Ladder, In Which Every Step Represents 1 Birth That We Take 

6. Understanding The Human World Tree And God, The Seed Of The Tree 

7. Connecting With The Supreme Soul Or God In Rajyoga Meditation And Learning Its Technique

To be a teacher means to touch the heart rather than the head.

Teaching others means being subtle and explaining in such a way that the mind opens because the heart has understood. The one who truly teaches inspires rather than just becoming the one who teaches others. There is a recognition of the positivity that is in each one and so no comparisions are made with others. 

Read slowly and Experience Yourself :  

" Once I am able to look at the positivity in another individual and have the pure desire of enabling progress within that person, I am able to feel the love for him. This is like a parent's love whose love for the child is that which makes him grow. So I become a teacher who inspires rather than the one who teaches" .

The 7 Days Course Of The Brahma Kumaris

A common question asked by newcomers to the Brahma Kumaris is that why we cannot just learn meditation and why do we need to attend all the different sessions of the 7 days course, which explain the spiritual wisdom. This is because some of the new souls are searching primarily for peace of mind and happiness through meditation and want to experience freedom from stress and increase their inner strength to face life’s everyday problems by practicing meditation. The answer to this question is very simple. Unless we understand the complete wisdom of the soul, God or the Supreme Soul and the World Drama clearly, we cannot connect with God in meditation accurately and we do not deeply realise the importance of meditation and how, other than filling us with peace and happiness, it also purifies us and cleans us of all of our negative sanskars, which have accumulated in the soul over many births, since the Copper Age. Also, we cannot experience the spiritual relationship between the soul and God correctly and deeply, which is required for good quality and beautiful meditation. 

There are no charges for the 7 days course and the only thing you have to spend is your time of 7 hours and these 7 hours will transform your entire life and increase its quality in all ways – mentally, emotionally and physically. This is because you get answers to all your questions related to spirituality, spiritual wisdom and the Law of karma and you learn how to lead a pure and positive lifestyle. You also come close to God and start remembering Him in meditation after knowing Him completely. Anyone who is interested in undergoing the course, can contact their nearest Brahma Kumaris centre, which is like God’s spiritual home, where God or your spiritual parent will give you the key of spiritual wisdom, which will change your destiny forever and eternally.

To do what is right for all is to remain happy.

The one who is always concerned for others is the one who can do right for others. There is constant benefit for others merged in every action of such a person. Because of having given without expectation, there is happiness in everything that is done. There is also uniqueness and speciality revealed in every action.

Read slowly and Experience Yourself :  

" Experience double benefit, because there is happiness in the effort as well as in the result of that effort. There is constant success experienced by me. I am also able to receive the good wishes and blessings from others and I further get encouraged to use my speciality. So I constantly experience progress in my life" .


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