5 Keys To Constant Happiness


 1. Promise yourself everyday that even though the world changes negatively around me, I will remember a beautiful point of spiritual wisdom in my mind always and experience its depth and feel full of happiness and strength, without getting affected by the negative situations that are there in my life.

2. The best gift I can give myself is a blessing that I am a beautiful soul filled with many specialties and I am loved by everyone, including God. Let me bring my specialties in my words and actions and radiate the light of my specialties to others. This is the key to happiness and contentment.

3. The more I progress in life, there will be many challenges in all spheres of my life - mind, body, relationships and role. Let me bring one quality or one power in every situation of my life for constant happiness. My positive and happy aura has the power to impact negative situations and make them positive.

4. My most beautiful and constant companions in life are I myself and God. The more I connect with them and make them my best friends at every step, the more happiness I will feel inside myself and my face and spiritual personality will radiate happiness to everyone in my home and workplace and everywhere else I go.

5. When I begin the day in the morning, let me remind myself that in the entire day, I will look at others qualities and not look at their weaknesses. The more I think and talk positively about others, the more I will receive everyone's blessings and experience happiness and lightness.

There is magic in each day for those who have the eyes to see.

The ones who are happy, always find something new. Even in the most ordinary and routine situations, they are able to find something interesting. So they are able to use everything that is with them in the best possible way. They are the ones who bring newness with enthusiasm and make the best use of the resources available.

Experience Yourself : When I have the eyes to see the magic of each day, I have the ability to appreciate even small beautiful things of life. I constantly find myself content with whatever is happening and whatever I attain in my life. My contentment also brings creativity and I am able to experience progress by making use of all that is with me.
